Today promises to be jam-packed with all sorts of activity! Woo!
Maybe I'm being a little "glass half full" with the "woo" I added just now.
I'm already late for work (and blogging, what does that tell you about my motivation to actually GET to work?)
I have another check run to issue today, for all the people that are having financial difficulty (who isn't?!?) and can't wait until next week for funds.
I'm starting lessons with a new guitar instructor today.
J has a gig tonight
& the gig will double as a co-worker's birthday party.
This list of activity might sound fabulous to some people, but this is normal madness for my life. At least I don't have toddlers!!! *GASP* ugh, I can't imagine having small children ever again.
I like my kids, truly! Love em to bitty pieces. Damn, I'm glad they are teenagers. I've got great kids, all three :)
Ash is trying her dad's patience right now, but what 18 year old girl doesn't? I'm secretly kind of proud of her for starting to try and find her way in the world. Yeah, she's being a little nut about it, but she's OK.
K-man has his first job. Can you believe it? He's MALE and WORKING.... like, all willingly and stuff- and he's still on the honor roll.
Cheese is going more emo these days, the boy has a black and white picture of fully blooming roses on his facebook *chuckle* I think he's got a new girlfriend. He's got straight A's in school and doing well :)
And I'm just rollin along.....
ps: I didn't give J exploding foot fungus. He redeemed himself last night by taking me out for pancakes. I *heart* pancakes, see - but I don't eat them often. Pancakes are my sushi.
1 comment:
mmmmm sushi.....
Wow, your boys are growing up quick. Working, like for real J.O.B.? Holy shiznit.
For the record, I like the emo's kind of cute, as long as it's a phase only. Some of us, who were a little gothy in our teens and early 20's might call those little emo kids posers, but that wouldn't be me....every generation has the "dark" side.
Maybe you should get J a "Break Glass For Pancakes In Case Of Emergency" box for your house? Complete with hot, fresh, steaming pancakes, butter, syrup or if your like me, strawberries and whipped cream?
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