You'll have to excuse the blurry picture - I don't have a setup that properly captures the various aquaria living in the tank. This is the "big fish" tank since the smallest critters are two half-dollar sized tiger barbs and the largest is a pleco, I think he's almost 8" by now. He's a gorgeous boy... in a creepy sort of way. I've also got a silver dollar that is about the diameter of the palm of my hand, and a pair of bala sharks that are almost 7", two Angels and three Gouramis; each ranging around 4". There are other fish in the tank, but they are going to be relocated to the 20gLong when the cichlids are moved. Keep in mind, all of these huge fish were purchased at adolecent age and have grown beautifully :) (I'm particularly proud of the sharks since I've had them since they were tiny and they lived in my first 20g tank) The substrate here in the 55 is natural pea-gravel, very smooth. Natural plants, petrified wood, and driftwood. J could tell you more about the filtration on this tank - I know he's got a powerhead for the undergravel filter, as well as a whisper somethingorother. This tank is located in our livingroom, and it is so nice to sit and watch a movie with just the light of the TV and the tank. Makes for a very snuggly-wuggly evening! I wholeheartedly suggest any single couple investing in a fish tank or eight.
That, Paula, is quite the fabulous setup. I'm impressed!
Thank you :) Jeff did the majority of the setup on this tank and there have been quite a few changes since inception six months ago. We started with molded centerpieces but we switched to an all natural environment. The Bala Sharks are so big now (and they tend to thrash about in with grand abandon) that I had to remove a lot of stuff that was previously in their way, so now there is a minimalist feel with lots of fin room for the destructive duo. ;)
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