Last year for Valentine's day, J bought me this 20g standard tank - and since I had very little experience with aquariums; the tank quickly became known as "the tank of mysterious death". Of course now I know that I didn't let the tank go through its various stages of growth (Nitrogen bloom, algae bloom) to establish the biological filter that fishies love so much. This tank has been lovingly re-named "the Goddess tank"
I love the blue colors, but Jeff cringed at all the tacky stuff I got when I set this up. What can I say, it was my first tank in a long time and I was having fun!?!
Anytime that I learn something new, I jump in with both feet. After I moved in, the Aquarium collection grew. Now there is a 55g community tank, a 30g goldfish tank, two 29g tanks (one is a community tank and the other is a new setup.. I'll talk about that one in a later post), a 20g long tank with malawi cichlids (I didn't know much about them at first, which is why I now have a 29g in setup - another 55 will be in the future since these fish are breeding like mad), my 20g standard is a community tank, and finally, three 10g tanks (one is a quarantine tank for new fishies, one has three divisions and bettas in all, and the other is a swordtail tank).
Pictures will follow. You decide if I'm the crazy old lady down the street with a million fishtanks....
I like the big goldfishies:)
We moved them to the big 29 on the front porch since the weather is nice now. We are going to try and put together some sort of pond for the koi before they get huge.
The blue 20 tank is now under the 55 with all my little neons in it. So cute!
you need a tank so that Gaia can take up fishing!
I am in awe of anyone who can keep ONE aquarium going, let alone multiples. I'm a fish-killer, plain and simple. I think somewhere my name is on a list that bars me from even looking at the fish in a pet store.
Thankfully I'm OK at the dog care thing.
Carmi - Yeah, I saw your picture on the fish killer list just the other day.... The trick is to have the right equipment for regular maintenance and a healthy dose of patience. I also had to do the research into water parameters, species data, and aquatic plant life, to find the proper mixes of each tank "neighborhood".
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