Sunday, May 4, 2008

Going Fishing, 29g Community tank

This is "my" tank for the most part. I really like the 29g size, you can put together a decent landscape and the water parameters are a breeze. Here in New Mexico the water naturally tends to be hard, the pH runs on average around 7.8 - 8.0; so by adding some natural elements to the water you can get really great results. Environment is fairly simple; just a couple of pieces of driftwood, miscellaneous hard grasses, sword plants, Java moss & fern (natural sunlight simulation "green light"). Filtration is a Penguin 200 bio-wheel, and a little bubble bar just for kicks. The substrate is a medium pebble gravel, and petrified wood. The substrate is not as natural (brown) as the 55 - I actually like the look of this better ;-) Since the volume is medium sized, I have a colorful little assortment of easy care critters. I have various (all brightly colored and varied species) swordfish and platys, a rainbow shark, spotted mollies, an iridescent gourami, and assorted algae eaters. Easy and fun, this tank is located in my home office. In my humble opinion, this is still the prettiest tank in the house. J would argue, but DUH that's his JOB.

ps: this tank taught me that you need to soak the snot out of your wood before putting it in the tank, even if the tag says otherwise. I had tea-colored water FOREVER. oh well, it was a learning experience that helped J with the 55 so it was worth it in the end.


scsmiles99 said...

I *heart* bubble bars. If I was a fishy, I'd have LOTS of bubble bars. BUBBLES!

paula said...

HA! now why am I not shocked by your love of bubbles? If you were a fishie you'd be the cutest chickie in the tank ;)