Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Can you tell?

My lack of posting here isn't an act of defiance - I have quite a few time restrictions right now. Honestly, the one person that I truly consider a friend is someone I email almost daily; so writing here seems redundant.

I realize that this blog will see a random passer-by, and of course there are those that seek information about me out of genuine interest for my well being. Those people know my email address and can contact me directly via facebook.

From time to time I may post something about my vision of what's going on in the world; but I don't have a lot to say right now, in lieu of the fact that there is crisis everywhere you turn. Possibly this is why I don't wish to rehash every moment of my existence. Dealing with all of today's challenges is hard enough, I certainly don't want to spend more time detailing things yet again here for the world to savor.

I believe I'm becoming more private as I grow older. I just don't feel like everyone should be privy to my innermost thoughts. I trust few with things I can't figure out on my own... because only those few have proved themselves truly trustworthy.

I suspect I'll post my thoughts after I attend the PostSecret talk at UNM next month.

I have so many things going on in my world these days, really great, substancial things - life continues to give me opportunity to grow and that's where my focus is :)

Happy New Year!


scsmiles99 said...

I can't wait to hear all about your PostSecret conference!

smooches sweety

Note: the word verification is "swarah" LOL

paula said...

see~ there is my favorite SWARAH now! :)

ps: the verification is "saisse"

trusty getto said...

Ain't it true, the older we get, the more private we get . . .

Well, I'll keep checking in. I haven't gotten onto Facebook yet, but I probably will at some point. I guess getting older makes some of us slower to catch onto the newer things, too. :)