Monday, April 13, 2009

stay-puft marshmallow clouds

The Sandias look beautiful today. I'm sitting at work looking out my window; admiring the view.

Even though today is Monday I feel pretty positive about the week. It sounds as though I'll be heading to Cape Canaveral very soon and that's exciting news.

The house is coming along nicely even though I've kind of lost my momentum over the last couple of weeks. I finally invested additional time into decorating my office... I hung a ceramic fish on the wall above my Angel tank and emptied more boxes. My personal book case is taking on a better persona.

My house is way bigger than I anticipated - I'm contemplating opening my home to wayward houseplants... Is there such a thing as a "green house rescue" ??

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


OK, I've just HAD IT with the freaking New Mexico spring winds.

I read somewhere on the interwebs that excessive wind wreaks havoc with a person's liver or... spleen... or chi (who knows). It's makin me CRANKAYYYYYY.

I'm stuck in the house listening to the fwappita fwappita of a piece of tin foil that was placed (by the previous house tennants) in the ceiling cooler vent. Damned Hippies. The people that lived in my house were horridly illogical and seriously non-handy. I'm going to add here that their taste in paint colors is highly questionable as well. Who conciously chooses powder blue as a living room color? Gah!

ps: KIX cereal is awesome with a sprinkle of cinnamon

pps: I'm checking out the twitter bru-ha-ha ... so far, I'm not terribly impressed.