Happy Halloween!!!
So I took the opportunity today to wear my bellydance garb into the office. Now, I know this might be taboo for some - I respect the serious artistic dancers out there... but I work for the STUFFIEST company in town, so when I get the opportunity to grasp a little fun in the office I don't hesitate.
Most challenging item on my outfit? I tried my hand at a turban. It is bright blue silk and it turned out pretty awesome, even though it was my first try! A turba-virgin???
It was also tricky to find something to wear under my choli so my skin isn't exposed - so I put on a tan tank top and put a sticky gem where my belly button is... and then put a black fishnet top over it. My bellybutton keeps migrating when I move!
At least I've been a bad influence on the new girl... she's dressed as a NUN! Such a scream - her costume is amazing - I even found her a big wooden ruler to threaten people with! :-)
My pal Nancy is Nefertiti as a mummy, love the headpiece, she's wearing a white flowing gown with "spiderweb" sheer stuff over it.
We've also got some football jerseys running around... and my boss is an old cowboy sherriff... I told him to wear his star badge every day!
We've also got Happy Bunny, and a wizard! I'll post a group picture when everyone shows up for the pot-luck.
I love Halloween!
What are you wearing??????