I've just been really busy, and I realize that my blog just really isn't a point of focus. I'm not the same person that I was when I started my old blog years ago - I've worked through the old issues that used to plague me, and now my days are filled with more than sitting alone with my computer feeling perplexed about the universe.
The universe still poses lots of new challenges but my approach to learning has changed.
Over the last couple of months I've done a lot of travel for work - work, in general, has dominated the majority of my time. We've finished another ERP migration and are gearing up for another. I expect to head back to the east coast yet again before the end of the year. I've got a good bit of pending configuration coming up, and I'm due for SQL Report training week after next.
I've also spent time traveling for personal reasons. I've been back and forth from Colorado, the latest trip up was for Jeff's sister's wedding. I'm unsure what this season's family schedule is like.
Tomorrow night I re-start with some dance classes. Unfortunately this area of enjoyment has suffered greatly due to my other life demands. I'm looking forward to getting myself back into class; my foot seems to be stronger and I'm ready to get moving.
Jeff's band has slowed down to one gig a month (thankfully), Deadreckoning was averaging two, sometimes three gigs a month recently and that can be demanding. I will always be supportive of the band, but it gets tough to make it out to all the gigs. Two weeks from now the guys are playing a weekend at Malarky's. I skipped out on the last gig at Molly's so I'm good to go.
I don't make close friends easily - I'm pretty guarded thanks to the psychotic tendencies of the women in my past. I've come to know a woman at work fairly well - she's come out to a few gigs and to some parties that Jeff and I have thrown over the summer. This new friendship has opened my world to new experiences; my new friend Kelcy is very active in the equestrian community here in Albuquerque. Today I attended my first Hunter / Jumper competition, the 20th Annual Equestrian Cup & 2008 Wine & Food Tasting.
I was pleasantly surprised at how exciting the jumping can get - when you take into consideration how tall a horse is, and pair that with a Five foot leap into the air to clear a obstacle... this is not a sport for the faint of heart and I enjoyed the show. Kelc is a horse trainer, she owns four of her own and she's been after me to come out to the barn and meet her "girls" and has been urging me to take a couple of lessons... after today, I'm seriously considering it! I'm going to meet her this Friday for "happy hour" at the barn - which consists of hanging out and drinking a couple of beers while enjoying the balmy evenings in lovely Corrales.
My guitar has claimed quite a bit of my free time lately as well, what precious time I have in the evenings is spent with the Martin; my living room has morphed into the secondary music room. With the addition of the piano in the main music room we've had to expand. I bought a new Soundgear Bass a few weeks ago and Jeff has been teaching me how to play a bit.
With school on hold I'm back to a transition phase to alone time after work thanks to Jeff's late work schedule. I like the solitude, but I'm really looking forward to dance classes and enjoying my Thursday night TV again. Yay! Grey's Anatomy looks promising - I enjoyed the first show of the season last week. I also picked up the Lego Batman PS2 this weekend and I'm tickled about that. (I know, you are thinking "oooh, hardcore! Lego!" ... yeah baby, that's how I roll)
Balloon Fiesta starts on October 4th - stay tuned for pictures!!
So that's it for me - I'll really try to post more often!
xoxoxo :)